Best Piranha Food Diet for Growth?

Topic: I just got a couple aquarium piranhas and am looking for what the best food diet would be for fast growth. I’ve had these fish for a couple weeks and am researching as much as I can on them. Thanks for your help.


*Awarded Answer
Posted by Kenny D: I’ve been keeping these awesome fish in aquariums for over 10 years. I’m glad to see you researching topics like this. Let’s talk about their food now.

Best Piranha Food for Growth

The best food for aquarium piranhas is a mixture of live foods mixed with a high quality fish food. Red Bellied Piranhas demand a lot of protein in their diet. Keeping piranhas adequately fed is one of the biggest obstacles of keeping these fish in an aquarium.

I also like to mix in a protein rich food like Hikari because it ensures the fish are getting needed vitamins. This stuff is my favorite. Here is a link and picture.

Best food for piranhas




I have many predator fish that will only eat live foods…that being said feeder fish are absolutely terrible to feed …major risk of parasites and very little nutritional value…I breed convicts and jewels as well as guppies mollies and self cloning crayfish for my live feeders.

I feed them mostly processed food,but predatory in nature,they have to still have the instinct of catching food once in awhile.

Nothing like what happens in the wild. Those fish have no chance of escape, they are in a glass box and have probably never seen a predator before. In the wild at least they have to make a mistake before they end up eaten.

actually not true at all. Some predatory fish are so fast they grab and swallow the fish before the prey even knew what happened. In this case they were over fed at once and oscars being the pigs they are got a huge mouthful.

Lol I feed my oscars live fish everyday! In fact I have my own breeder tanks so I don’t spend 100s of dollars feeding my big boys.

Hilarious. I didn’t see him mouth brooding at first. I couldn’t figure out why you called him greedy.

I have no issues with live food feeding but it is well known that this leads to many health issues with Oscars. We have a porcupine puffer so again I have no issues with live food feeding. I have dealt with Oscars for many decades and each to their own just trying to educate . Sure watching another fish eat something live is amazing but not in this case.

I’ve raised Oscar’s for over 20 years and use a quarantine tank for the feeders. And not once have had any issues.

No feeding live food give Oscars neurological issues and hole in the head. Sorry but we have taken in many Oscars with these issues due to feeding them live food . Rosie’s and gold fish are not ok for Oscars. Oscars are omnivores and need a wide variety diet.

There still living, we gave them to our lfs, they are still in his pond, hes had them almost 5 yrs, still eating live.

omnivore; define it and think about it. To state that they cannot eat live is asinine and a complete contradiction to the word OMNIVORE. They very easily can and should eat live foods, though it should not be their only source of nutrition. There are two ends of the spectrum: one end being anti live, and the other being only live. Try to land somewhere in the middle.

I think it’s funny that all these people are angry reacting to an animal eating food that it needs

Oscars don’t need not should they have Rosie red or gold fish. Shrimp and maybe a guppy here and there. Oscars need a wide variety of protein and vegetation to be healthy

They do not need goldfish, or any live food for that matter, plenty of great foods out there, feeding live like this is Purley for the owners sadistic amusement, there is absolutely no need, your fish do what you want, just do not say its needed because that is not true.

I understand it may not be the most nutritious, but do we know that that is all he feeds his oscars? He could have a wide variety of foods, my comment was more meant as a joke lol

Oh they got dealt with lol.

Im all for people being able to freely give opinions but when people start acting like bitches and douchebags then they get the mute, we all have our bad days right? maybe they were having a bad day and this was their vent, their explosion, they get the time out to calm down. Repeat offenders get booted. Little bitchss spouting abuse in inboxes, also get booted.

I think its fair

Difference is in the “wild” as you people are calling it the other fish have more than 100g to escape. You are giving them 0% chance of escaping whereas in the wild they have a chance. So yes it is cruel to an extent

Why would it matter if he’s a vegetarian? People kill their food fast and humanely… they don’t put 10 cows in a box with a tiger and let them slowly watch each other get eaten.

Best Food for Piranha Diet

I am not vegetarian and 100% agree with this statement! It is cruel. In the wild it is natural, they are not forced to hunt certain fish and certain fish aren’t forced into situations where they are ultimately killed. This whole thing, putting fish in a tank with no means of escape and is 100% forced by humans is cruel because the fish are only there for the humans enjoyment, had these fish been living in the wild then it would be a different scenario. And it is hilarious that sadistic, heartless people automatically attack vegetarians and try and make out as they are over the top. Are other humans not allowed to feel sympathy towards animals? Are we not allowed to know the difference between right and wrong?? Because that, in that video is wrong. I am a animal lover but I ain’t a vegetarian, we do exist and we have just as much attitude as the sadistic people that think things like this is ok.

I’m not vegetarian either. But you think lining cows and pigs up in a row to be killed is humane? Raising cows and oigs and anything else for its sole ourpoae to be filled and killed for people to eat  You think they kindly put them all to rest? Negative. Point of the story don’t like it. Don’t look at it. It’s natural.

full of rubbish! No it is not natural! As someone already stated, these fish are no good for the fish that are eating them so it’s a mute point. 100% cruel and purely for human entertainment. As for feeding other animals to prey animals, try keeping them in the wild where they belong! Let them pick their own food, their own mates, their own homes!!

i don’t think you are understanding what I am saying. If he were in the wild eating things in his natural habitat then it is fine. These fish are where they are purely for the owners enjoyment. Not by choice of the fish. He is not able to follow natural instincts to his fullest, the situation is not right, fair or stress free. It is cruel. End of